Vegetables with pine-nuts and pistachios

  • Albenga artichokes
  • different vegetables (egg plants, courgettes, potatoes, carrots, etc.)
  • vegetable broth
  • pine-nuts
  • pistachios
  • Spray extra-virgin olive oil Mengazzoli
  • lemon
  • salt
  • peppers
  • Crema di Balsamico Basilico
Preparation of Vegetables with pine-nuts and pistachios:

Clean the artichoke, removing the external leaves and plunge in water and lemon. Then place in a pan with some spray extra-virgin olive oil Mengazzoli, salt, pepper and cover.

Finish cooking adding some vegetable broth. Wash and dry the other vegetables, cut in dices and fry in a non-adhering pan for 10 minutes.

Place the artichokes in the centre of the dish, making a crown, add the vegetable dices and dress with Crema di Balsamico Basilico. Before serving, powder with previously toasted pine-nuts and pistachios.

Tag:  Glazeintense tastevegetablesvegetarian dishes

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