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Platinum Award - Merano Wine Hunter 2021

Il Cuore Nero, Acetaia Mengazzoli's exclusive limited edition condiment has been rewarded with the Platinum Award by the Merano Wine Hunter.

The WineHunter Award is the prize for excellence and high quality awarded annually to wine and culinary products, spirits and beers.
The Platinum Award is the most prestigious award reserved for products that achieve the highest rating once tasted by the Merano Wine Hunter's panel of experts. 

Cuore Nero is an encounter between different elements and experiences that come together in symbiosis to create an exclusive product.

A union between different elements and experiences that enter into symbiosis giving life to an exclusive product.

The Iron, like the straps on our barrels, imprisons and sustains;
The Wood, son of our barrels, becomes the coffer that preserves everything;
The Glass, fusion of the earth, becomes the soul that keeps our heart;
The Product is the highest expression of our work, the celebration of a long tradition alive in the constant search for new and endless emotions.

A unique condiment directly from the Heart of the Acetaia Mengazzoli.
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