Merano Wine Festival 2023


Four awards for Acetificio Mengazzoli at the WineHunter Awards 2022

The official ceremony will take place during the well-known 'Merano WineFestival', scheduled in November, but the names of the winners of the prestigious The WineHunter Award have already been released. Acetificio Mengazzoli di Levata di Curtatone (MN) received no less than four awards in the food, culinary specialities category: the Gold Medal for Agresto di Mantova and three Red Medals for Balsamic Apple Pearls, Wine Vinegar from Malvasia dell'Emilia Wine , and flavoured wine vinegar with Tarragon.

The WineHunter Award is the award for excellence and high quality given annually to wine and culinary products, spirits and beers. The award is given to national and international products that, after careful evaluation, achieve a minimum score of 90 points out of 100, and guarantees the end consumer the superior quality of the product. There is a tasting commission for spirits, one for beers and one for culinary specialities. The commissions are coordinated by Helmuth Köcher, president and founder of the Merano WineFestival, with the support of Masterchef Bruno Cicolini. At the head of each commission is an expert in the field (beer sommelier, chef, schnapps and spirits taster), the other two members are restaurateurs, bartenders and/or industry professionals.

"Doing one's job well is first and foremost a personal satisfaction. But when it is also noticed by others, it is certainly more gratifying. With this series of important recognitions obtained by our company this year, which add up to those received in past years, the great efforts we have made to be able to obtain products that are always of high quality, healthy for our consumers and respectful of the environment by using the most modern production technologies, have been rewarded. We are aware that this is a process that requires continuous application and commitment, and that the market does not always reward such choices, but these awards confirm once again that we have taken the right path," say Elda and Cesare Mengazzoli, owners of the family business.
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