Mengazzoli “Apple Balsamic Vinegar” awarded at Olio Officina Festival 2019


Mengazzoli “Apple Balsamic Vinegar” awarded at Olio Officina Festival 2019
“365 days of Assisted Sale in the Large-Scale Retail Trade”

Wait…What is this? What is it for? How can I use it? I’ve got to go, the shop is about to close!

Years of production, care, attention and obstacles for a product still too little known and still too complex to be explained.

And this is our “attempt”!

We have decontextualized the product from the expository series and highlighted information, knowledge and culture, without limiting the visibility of the bottle studied to appreciate the characteristic colour and the slow fluidity of the product. Clear and immediate information for an independent and aware decision while choosing the product at the shop, thus without depriving the consumer of their time.
The free choice to examine, study, taste and later to use the product, in a private space, in an intimate dimension, comfortable and relaxing at the same time, possibly with the help of a discrete informative support accessible through the QrCode, through which the consumer and the producer have the possibility to share information.
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