Meat roulades on Parmesan cheese sticks

  • Thin slices of meat (possible pork or game)
  • Thin slices of bacon
  • Parmesan cheese cut in sticks
  • Meat broth
  • 1/2 an orange
  • salt
  • peppers
  • Crema di Balsamico Vanilla

Make the roulades rolling meat and bacon around the Parmesan cheese sticks on a tooth stick. Lightly flour and fry in a pan adding half an orange and then some broth. Add salt and pepper. Cook for 10 minutes. Finally add  Crema di Balsamico Vanilla and cover. Remove from the fire and serve decorating with the orange peel and with Crema di Balsamico Vanilla.

Tag:  fruitintense flavourmeatmedicinal plants

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