Steak tartare and sweat and sour vegetables

Ingredients for 4 persons
240gr of fillet of beef
20gr of salted cappers
1 lemon
1 cucumber
8 radishes
100ml of water
75gr of Mengazzoli Organic Pomegranate vinegar
75gr of brown sugar
15gr of salt
Mixed salad
Extra virgin olive oil 

Start by preparing the marinade for the vegetables: get a small pot and pour Mengazzoli organic pomegranate vinegar, sugar, water and salt into it.
Bring the mixture to the boil so that salt and sugar dissove and then cool and marinate inside the cucumber and radish slices.
Continue with the preparation of the meat tartare: transform the beef fillet into a minced meat (the secret is to beat the mat with the part of the knife opposite the blade, so as to split the fibres).
Then mix the minced meat obtained with the beaten capers emulsified with extra virgin olive oil, salt pepper and grated lemon peel.
Lastly place the prepared tartare on the plate with the help of a pastry rings. Afterwards place the sweet and sour vegetables on top and add the mysticism.

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