Chicken salad, champignon and pomegranate vinegar

Ingredients for 4 persons :
300 g chicken breasts
1/2 glass of Mengazzoli Organic Pomegranate Vinegar
200 g mushrooms
200 g rocket
1 tablespoon of honey
1 pomegranate
1 garlic clove
Extra virgin olive oil and salt
Cut the chicken into small pieces. Remove the final part of the stem of the mushrooms, then wash them quickly, dry them and cut them into slices.
After browning the chicken in a pan with a drizzle of oil, add the honey making sure to mix everything together. Immediately afterwards, pour half a glass of Pomegranate Vinegar into the pan.
After one minute add two tablespoons of water and let the chicken cook for another 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool by adding salt to taste.
In the meantime, cook the mushrooms in a second pan with the oil and the  clove of garlic that you will remove halfway through cooking. Continue cooking for 5/6 minutes, then remove the mushrooms from the heat and let them cool.

Finally, place the chicken and mushrooms on a serving plate and then add the rocket and pomegranate seeds.
Complete with a drizzle of oil and pomegranate vinegar that will give freshness and roundness to your salad.
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