According to D. Lgs. 196/03, the data collected will be used only to inform about the activities and initiatives of Acetificio Mengazzoli and will not be disclosed to third parties. The conferment of data is optional, but without personal information will not be possible to provide the services requested. The interested party may exercise its rights under Art. 7, D. Lgs. 196/03. The holder of the treatment is Acetificio Mengazzoli - Levata di Curtatone (MN), Italy.
Tag: fruitice-creamintense colorintense flavoursweet-and-sour
Apple sweet and sour seasoning - 250ml
Sweet and sour seasoning with Balsamic Vinegar of Modena flavoured with Truffle in the new line Pico Spray - 250ml
Condimento di Famiglia is sweet and dense - 100ml
White sweet and sour condiment - 250ml